
Actually...does life bind us, or do we bind life?

I was born and raised in a traditional Chinese family,

Family education has watered my many rules and regulations [for example: what can be done and what can’t be done]

At the same time, I also designed a lot of "roads" that are exclusive to me and let me go.

But, are these "roads" for my family or for myself?

The elders always put these words on their lips:

[We know what is the most suitable for you; what should you do;

You should do it right, the rest is wrong; you can only do what I say; I'm all for your own good].

These also gradually restrained me and became invisible pressure.

These rules and regulations that shouldn't exist have gradually taken away my happiness and innocence.

Let me live out the soulless and walking dead self.

Maybe people will say: Precocious is good.

But in my opinion, I have lost a lot of happiness that should belong to me, and I have a lot of troubles that should not belong to me.

As a result, my thinking has become complicated and it is less easy to get close to people and things.

Let me lose the temperature of being a human being.

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When I was a child, I hoped that I would grow up quickly, and then leave home to experience everything I wanted outside.

At that time, I thought that by then, I would no longer be bound by these traditional-minded parents.

When I grew up and went to study abroad, I felt very happy at first.

This is because when I am outside, I hear less of those [Example: No! no! 】,

These are words of opposition.

But I gradually... also found that the previous rules and regulations made me form a kind of bondage.

Often, I would have a feeling of being strangled and unable to breathe.

It makes me have a lot of unnecessary worries whenever I want to start learning or experience a thing.

More seriously, it terrifies and frightens me.

I was afraid that when I did something my parents didn't approve of, they would dislike it, get angry, and maybe abandon me.

My experience is very regrettable and sad for me.

Many times parents feel that it is for your own good to prevent you from experiencing certain things.

This is how they love you.

But while losing these experiences, children also lose their ability to learn to judge and make their own life choices.

These invisible constraints of mine make me not know how to make my own life choices.

No matter big or small.

The previous bondage has become a habit for me.

At this moment, I have habitually bound my own life invisibly.

So.....does life bind us, or do we bind our life?

In many cases, it is human nature to seek stability.

However, when fear or fear prevents you from becoming a better self, that is the biggest obstacle in your life.

This... is the additional psychological pressure.

Corporate Physician Corporate DNA 2

To our loving parents:

It is normal to hope that your son will become a dragon and your daughter will become a phoenix.

However, when you protect your children, you should never deprive them of their life experience.

In fact, if you want your children to be sensible, you should teach them as adults as much as possible from an early age.

Let them learn how to make their own choices, and then make sure they live with the consequences of the choices they make.

The best thing parents can do is to be a safe haven for their children to rely on when they are tired or sad.

That is what the warmest home should have.

Where you are is home, the warmest home.

The destination we've longed for forever.

At this moment, I am learning to be brave.

Bravely get rid of the frame you set for yourself.

Trying hard and bravely to try different things!

I believe that parents also just want to love you in the way they know how.

It is also because of this belief that I am more grateful and grateful for my experience now.

Because I know they care about me and love me.

I will get better and better!


You who are reading can also have the life you want!

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