
Is my twenty years old the same as yours?

With the arrival of 2022, there is also my twenties. Stepping into the first "two prefixes" of my age, I am deeply touched by a line of the famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore in his "Flying Birds" - I am sitting in front of the window this morning, "the world" is like a passerby Yes, stayed for a while, nodded to me and walked on. Yes, the world will always move forward relentlessly. So far, I still don't want to believe that I have entered the prime of life. The age that I always thought was still very far away has come quietly like this, and I am not ready to meet it yet. As Haruki Murakami described in "Norwegian Forest": "I was not ready to be twenty years old at all. I was quite puzzled, as if someone pushed me from behind." Coupled with the raging epidemic, These few years have been spent in ignorance, but when I look back, I suddenly realize that I am far away from my middle school life.

I thought that when I was twenty years old, I would "wow" and become a mature adult, but the height of 156 was not what I wanted. I'm still the little confused person who can't recognize the way; the little crying bag who can't help crying when he is wronged; the little lazy person who loves to stay in bed. When I was young, I longed to grow up and yearned for a free university life. But now that I am 20 years old, college life does not seem to be as easy as I imagined: sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time, rushing mountains of papers. The epidemic has disrupted many plans, "stolen" my college life, and my freedom has become even more out of reach. If there is no epidemic, I can go to university lectures with my friends without wearing a mask, stay up all night talking and laughing together, or even take a walk-and-go trip. These ordinary college life is like a fantasy to us college students under the epidemic.

At the age of 20, I am full of confusion about the unknown. Although I am studying law, I still can't figure out the future path. Twenty years old also means taking on greater responsibilities. Confusion and responsibility appeared together, which caught us 20-year-old "little adults" by surprise. But it doesn't matter, on the way to find yourself, everyone will be confused, sad, and cry, as long as you continue to move forward bravely after crying. It may be clumsy and slow, but it doesn’t matter, we have been moving forward bravely to become a better person, and everyone who is struggling is the protagonist in their own lives, and everyone is shining. So friends, don't be afraid, let us fight against the epidemic bravely, and welcome our twenties calmly!

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