
The universal formula that must be used in management

The iron law of employing personnel that must be used in management

Employment method

- Use treatment to stay at the grassroots level;

- Stay in the middle with emotion;

- Use your career to stay at the top.

employing mentality

- The first is subordinates;

- The second is leadership;

- The third is the customer.

employing mind

- More appreciation and less condemnation;

- Make use of its long to accommodate its short;

- Daozizui tofu heart.

Employment Skills

- Good at discovering, calm and inclusive;

- Treat with care and use generously.

The universal formula for training subordinates

1. I say you listen

- Explain clearly what you did and why you did it?

2. You say I listen

- Have subordinates repeat to ensure key points are understood and goals are aligned.

3. I do you see

- Demonstrate in person, don't bother, don't skip steps, let subordinates record.

4. you do what i see

- Do not interrupt when observing, and when giving feedback, the subordinates will talk to you first.

When a leader tells his subordinates:

1. Talk less and listen more:

- Without city government and endless chatter, it will appear superficial. Without self-cultivation and not being valued;

2. Do not search and inquire about other people's work casually;

3. Do not cooperate with colleagues to fool the leader, the relationship between the leader is greater than that of colleagues;

4. Don't reject other people's unsolicited kindness, this is a good opportunity to promote the relationship.

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